Student Support
Our team are concerned with the welfare of our students and will endeavour to provide support as necessary. When you enrol in a course, please do not hesitate to discuss your needs with our staff so that we can ensure that you receive the learning, emotional or assessment support you may require to complete your course.
Our staff may assess your needs on enrolment and will offer you options for language, literacy, numeracy and learning support. Throughout the duration of a course, if our trainers find that a student is struggling to participate in the training or completing assessments, action will be taken to make arrangements for learning support.
Some of our courses will require our students to be assessed in order to ascertain if their language, literacy and numeracy skills are sufficient to successfully undertake the chosen training programme. This may be by completion of a written LLN test, computer skills assessment and/or interview. There may also be customised exercises contained within the training programme to assess the student further.
Social Story
Living with autism or anxiety? Download our Social Story so you know how to prepare, and what to expect when you visit the Coffs Coast Community College.
Outreach Support Officer - OSO
Our College has a dedicated Outreach Support Officer (formally titled the Community Engagement and Student Support Officer) who works directly with the community and students providing tailored support. If you require additional support as a student, support for your client, or are looking to community partner with the College, please get in contact with our reception who will put you in contact with our OSO.